Desperation mounting in Miami as Brian Flores struggles to connect with players amid losing skid

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The five-game losing streak has ramped up tension within the organization and further complicated coach Brian Flores' relationships with Bobby Massie Jersey players and others within the organization, league sources tell CBS Sports.There was significant locker room backlash a year ago when Flores began yo-yoing his quarterbacks and showing a quick hook with rookie , sources said. Despite a 10-win campaign, there were lingering questions among many players about the continual overhaul of staff and players and concerns about the ability to connect with the Netane Muti Jersey coach.Last week's lo s to the previously winle s in London has furthered the angst. At least some veterans believe the decision not to take the bye week after the international trip was a mistake, and owner Stephen Ro s has become increasingly concerned about the direction of the franchise, sources said."There is a really negative vibe down there right now," one source with direct knowledge of the situation tells CBS Sports. "A lot of players do not DeMarcus Ware Jersey trust Flores . Flo thinks he is a player's coach with an open-door policy, but I know a number of players who would Denver Broncos Jersey tell you they don't really think he is approachable enough or flexible. "There is still too much of that New England stuff going on. It just doesn't work. There is a psychology to handling players and building a team, and you have to be able to connect and motivate. That's not the vibe there. It's pretty bad."Some close to Tagovailoa believe he Bryce Callahan Jersey has never been fully embraced by this staff, and the lingering i sues with an overwhelmed offensive line and a group of receivers who have lengthy injury histories have resulted in him being put Tom Jackson Jersey in difficult positions to try to succeed.If the Dolphins were to land in a trade, they would love to acquire value for Tagovailoa in return, but that seems unlikely to occur according to the general managers with whom I spoke, and some of the teams linked to the Dolphins' starter in media reports last week simply do not have interest in acquiring him. The Dolphins have yet to emerge as a contender under Ro s' stewardship, and he is not one to refrain from making a splashy move Duke Dawson Jr. Jersey if deemed nece sary. How the team performs in the second half of the season could have significant impact on what the organization looks like moving forward.
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